Friday, March 26, 2010

Geo Search Your Map

ZeeMaps now supports a powerful GeoSearch feature: search for all entries in a geographical area.

For example, you can search for all entries in California, using the search term "california", or all entries with the name "Systems" in California, by issuing the search "systems, california".

GeoSearch is available for both published maps, and maps on the ZeeMaps server.

For example, here's a published map of used computer stores in the US. Use the the input field at the bottom of the map for GeoSearches.

On the ZeeMaps server, a similar input field appears to the right top of your map.

To enable GeoSearch on your published map, please add the parameter "&geosearch=1" to the "SRC" attribute of your IFRAME code. You can also get a new HTML for your published map, with the
checkbox "Enable GeoSearch" selected in the Publish dialog.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Published Maps: Google Ads, White Label

Remove Google Ads from your published maps in one of two ways:
  1. Subscribe individual maps, or
  2. Create a subscription group for all maps to be published on a single website.
For the first case, use the Map -> Subscribe menu item.

For the second case, create a subscription group and then add your maps to the subscription group. To create a subscription group, sign-in to ZeeMaps and then use the Account  link at the bottom of your map page to create a new subscription group.

In the subscription group, enter the base URL for your website. Select a six month or twelve month term and click on the New Subscription button to create the subscription group. Once the subscription group is created, use the Map -> Subscribe menu item on your map to get the subscription dialog. Then, select the newly created subscription group and add your map to the subscription group.

In either case, you can also select the White Label checkbox to publish your maps without ZeeMaps branding.