Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Moderate addition of map markers

For crowdsourced maps, you can moderate additions with our new "Pending Markers" feature. Use 'Customizations -> Add Marker Form -> New entries must be approved by Map Admins' to enable this feature on your map. (Make sure you have set an admin password for your map using Settings -> Privacy. ) Now, when a non-Admin person adds a marker on the map, it will not be added to the map automatically, but will be in a "Pending Approval" state. Map admins can check for such markers using "View -> Pending Approval". This will show all markers that are waiting to be approved. Admins can move, change or delete any of these markers, as you would edit a marker on ZeeMaps. Once you are satisfied with the remaining set of pending markers, use the menu items "Additions -> Approve Pending" to add them all to the map.


Unknown said...

Great addition. Thanks!

Heather Woods said...

This is a great feature. Is there a way to Geo RSS a map so that one can RSS marker content?